Monday, June 16, 2014

New Thrifty Finds

By now you all know how much I love a good deal.  Since I'm never one to pass up an opportunity to spend a few hours at a thrift store, I was thrilled to get the opportunity to take my 11 year old niece shopping this past weekend.  Thrift stores may not be the "coolest" place to shop, but when you are on the verge of teen years, you can really find some great buys in the smaller sized items in the women's department.  My theory here is, that if at one point in your life you were lucky enough to be a size three, once you had kids, you gave up the idea of fitting back in that size and donated your items.  Lucky for me, and my niece, we had a great day and got some great gently used clothes for super great prices.

Since this day was mostly about her, I didn't get to scavenge the aisles the way I normally would, however, I couldn't miss this lovely piece.  I've been dreaming about finding an Ironstone tureen for the longest time. Unfortunately, in California, Ironstone pieces are not nearly as easy to find as they are back east. When I happened to walk by the end cap at our local Goodwill and spotted this beauty, I couldn't believe my luck.

It's in nearly pristine condition, and is clearly marked with the Ironstone Johnson Bros. stamp, plus it was only $10.  Lucky me!

I also spotted these cute boots that I knew my friend's three year old daughter would love instantly.  She is a fan of red and has an affinity for boots so I knew they were worth $3.

This last random find of mine has caused a bit of controversy.  They are a pair of kids denim jeans with bell bottom ruffles in a Santa/leopard print.  I posted a photo of them on my personal Facebook page asking if they were awesome or NOT.  It was kind of a mixed reaction, but a lot of people really 
disliked them.  Still, I thought for $2 they would be worth a laugh if nothing else.  
My five year old daughter happens to love them, so if she's happy, I'm happy.

Anyhow, I hope these finds help inspire you to get out to your local thrift stores and find some deals!  For more thrifty inspiration, check out my articles on Thrift Store Finds and A Summer Wardrobe.

P.S. I'd love to hear what you think of these pants!  Yea or nay?  Leave me a comment below! :)

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