Lily Claire's 6th birthday is coming up. It got me thinking about some of the things that I have learned since becoming a mother. I felt it only fair to share...
If you are running late, your kid will poop her pants and you will be later.
If you buy new bedding, your kid will puke green skittles all over it.
If your child says here mommy and holds out her hand, there is a good chance she wi...ll be putting boogers, poop or bugs in your hand.
If you plan a trip to Disneyland, something will go wrong. Like a broken elbow the day before you leave...
If you make plans to go out for a dinner date with your husband, someone will puke or run a fever.
You will lock them in a car on accident, and beat yourself up over it.
Homework is worse for the parents than the kids.
If you are on the phone, your kid will climb the counters, leap off the back of the couch or jump off the swing to get your attention.
You will never pee alone again. If you close the door, fingers sticking under it while she talks to you does not mean your are getting privacy.
If you think that the guy smiling at you while you are walking across the parking lot is checking you out. You are wrong. He is laughing at you because your kid pulled your shirt down and your bra is hanging out.
You will lose sleep. Years of sleep.
You will lose your hair. You won't care because you don't have time to do it anyway.
You will be exhausted, but happy none the less.
The words I love you Mommy are the best thing you will ever hear.
The sound of your kids laughing is the second best thing you will ever hear.
You will find more love in your heart than you knew you had.
You will worry about their health and happiness. Forever.
They are the most important thing that will ever happen to you.
They grow up too fast...

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