You know, mom's. You know. You have reached the end of your rope. And, if you had anymore you'd consider hanging your self with it. Right?
And then it's summer. Finally, no school. No early bed time, no reading log, no shoes, no shirts, and at my house no pants half the time... And then...
Really? You guys are still waking up at 7am? Why are you fighting over a piece of paper? Put your pants on. Did you poop on the floor? Really? Do not eat your flip flop! I just gave you crackers, did you really eat them all? No? Of course not, because stepping on them and grinding them into the carpet in your sister's room was obviously a good idea...
I need to fold laundry. Maybe I can just dress everyone right out of the basket today and save a step. Who cares if nothing matches. It's summer. The little one will probably just take her clothes off again anyway...
Another rash? Really? I've already been to Kaiser three times this week. The doctor probably thinks I'm completely nuts. Hell, I think I'm nuts!
Why are you calling me Heather?? (to my two year old) I'm your mother. Call me mom, mama, mommy!
Why is there a tomato in your backpack? Really?
Where is my shoe? I know you took my shoe! Give it back! (That was two days ago and I'm still missing my shoe!)
Yep, that's me. The summertime mom. Please tell me I'm not alone?!!

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