I'm going to start with a little story from a few months ago...
Cold and flu season is the worst for parents, amiright?? The endless amounts of snot, vomit, coughs, fevers... It goes on and on... In our family we get flu shots. It's not for everyone, I get that, but two of my daughters have asthma and the third is a baby, so we get flu shots, just what we do.
Well on this particular day, it happened to be a minimum day from school, my six year old had a well child appointment, so I brought all three kids so they could all get their flu shots done as well. We had our regular pediatrician appointment, without a hitch, but when it came time to go down the the flu shot clinic things began to go awry...
First, Lily Claire got her shot. At nine she was very brave, a bit nervous, but she did fine. Next up, six year old Ella. Well here's where things go south. Ella decided she didn't want a shot. She would not hold still, she started hysterically crying and completely melting down. The nurse asked me to hold her still, so I stepped away from the stroller with the baby, and made my best attempt at holding a screaming banshee in place while the nurse wielded a needle and attempted to stab her. WTF?! Of course, as all this insanity is happening, I look over to see my nine year old puke all over the place. Yep, the stress of the shot and her sister wigging was too much for her and she yacked.
Here we are in the main lobby of Kaiser with all these old people and one of my kids is puking and the other is acting like a possessed daemon. Lovely. Of course, what do I do? Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. You know, the hysterical laughter that is completely inappropriate, but it just won't stop? Yep. That's me! I called it there and said I think we'll head up to pediatrics and ask one of them to help with the shot. Those nurses are no joke, and they got the job done in a jiffy. Thank god for baby wipes. And wine, thank you, thank you, for wine!
Stay tuned... today we went to the dentist.

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