Friday, December 5, 2014

Puppy Proofing Christmas

I know the title of this post implies that I may have some insight into how to do this, but the truth is I do not.  Having a puppy and two kittens {lovingly referred to as The Ladies} makes decorating a bit of a struggle.  We've lost a few pine cones and one floral arrangement so far.  However, when you see the collection of adorable photos I compiled to share with you, I think you'll understand why its all worth it..

Back in February my brother and his wife announced that they were expecting their first baby!  Then, in July my kiddos finally talked us into adopting a kitten.  When we went to the local animal shelter we had a fluffy orange male kitten in mind.  Now, here's a little piece of advice, when you take two little girls to pick out a kitten, you may not get what you had in mind.  We left the shelter that day with two tiny white fluffy female kittens, who were promptly named Anna and Elsa.  Now, because I'm a little nutso {or so people may think} we decided to add to our house hold once again in October, and welcomed a 9 week old golden retriever/black lab mix to our family on the same exact day our sweet little niece Avery Violet was born.

River quickly made herself at home. 

That's her curled up into a ball on our sofa.  She is literally going to be taking up an entire side in no time.

She doesn't mind sleeping with Ella baby at all.  Only problem is, she already weighs more than her and is about to squish her.

The ladies insist on having a mug of water out on the coffee table.

Paris is our first baby and is almost 8 years old!  She's doing her best to accommodate this youngster, but I think it's time for River to get her own bed.

Walking Lily Claire to school and back every day is River's favorite activity.  

I had to throw this one in there.  These sweet babies just melt my heart.  It's no wonder why I couldn't tell my daughters no.  They are just impossible to resist.

The Ladies have grown, but they still sleep right next to eachother.

So, this year our house hold has grown by three.  And our hearts have grown by four {I can't wait to share photos of our sweet little niece!}.  I hope all of you are as lucky as we are this holiday season.

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