The first think I needed to learn about was which soap to use to wash them. I'll be honest there were trials and errors. My biggest error was using All Free & Clear laundry soap. I have nothing against this soap and use it for my children's clothing, however it does not work with our water or on our diapers. It leaves a residue that repelled the urine and made the diapers leak. Since I started out using this detergent and it took a while for the build up to become noticeable, I also had to figure out how to strip my diapers. I'll talk about this in a little bit. There are many soaps that are designed specifically for cloth diapers, but after reading a lot about what people use and recommend and trying a few out, my preferred detergents are Tide Original and Tide Free, both in powder form. I have a big jar and I mix them 1/2 & 1/2. I like this combo because I like the diapers to smell fresh and clean, but I don't want so much scent that it is masking a urine odor. Also, as I mentioned in a previous post, my daughter has sensitive skin and I like to avoid irritants like perfumes as much as possible.
Now comes the part where you actually use the soap. I run a load every other day first thing in the morning. Here's the breakdown of my wash routine.
- Cold rinse.
- Hot wash with Tide (1/2 & 1/2) up to the first line on the scoop.
- Cold Rinse
- Cold Rinse (if you have an extra dirty load)
So now comes the part where I talk about stripping. Why would you need to strip? If you notice a smell that is not washing out. If you have excessive staining. If you have consistent leaks, but the inserts don't feel soaked, it's time to strip. It's not as scary as some people make it sound, but it does take some time. I only strip my diapers with Oxiclean. Diapers must be clean to start with. At night before I go to bed I fill my top-loader machine with hot water. I add one scoop of Oxiclean to the water and dump the shells and inserts into the water. I leave them to soak over night. In the morning. I run the load. Then I start rinsing them. Rinse until you no longer see suds in your water. If by chance this does not work and you still notice odor or repelling, repeat.
One more thing I want to mention, and I'll put this subject to rest (at least for a little while) I am not afraid to pull out a disposable in a pinch. My daughter is over two now and when she goes pee, there is a lot of pee! If I'm going to be at the park for several hours, I put her in a disposable. Look, the bottom line is what works for you is what you should do. I love cloth. I love doing something that helps our environment. I love the idea of having more natural products on my child's skin. I love saving the money! But, I'm not afraid to admit that sometimes a Pamper is just convenient! Do what works for you!

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