Friday, March 27, 2015

Garden Time

Every year the girls and I get really excited about planting a vegetable garden.  This year things are a little different, however.  We have an 8 month old black lab/golden retriever mix, River.  Do you have a lab?  Do you know someone with a lab?  If you do then you understand that nothing is off limits to her little chewing teeth.  Here's an example- a few months ago we had a new internet connection installed.  River noticed there were now cables tacked to the side of the house where there once were none.  She was happy to remove them and chew them to bits.  The installer came back and moved the connection to a higher location.

So, the bottom line is, we could spend a lot of time and effort to attempt to puppy proof our garden bed or we could skip a garden this year and try next year when River is (fingers crossed) a little more mellow and not so apt to dig it up as soon as we turn our backs.

Since we still wanted to be able to plant something, we moved our big green pots to the front porch and bought a bunch of flowers and herbs and planted them.

We also added a few more plants to the front beds.

They turned out so pretty and really give the porch a nice pop of color. We are having new windows installed throughout the entire house in a few weeks and then would love to get the house painted.  I can't wait to see how it all comes together!

Those are the wicker chairs that I found in a junk pile last year.  They could use a little sprucing up, but they are perfect for relaxing and sipping iced tea while the kids play outside.

I hope this inspires you to plant something this weekend!

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