Saturday, December 28, 2013

Meeting My Goals

When I started this blog in October, I was really excited about the possibilities of sharing recipes and ideas with people.  I really didn't expect it to take off the way it did.  Within two months, I went from a handful of close friends liking my page on Facebook to having over 500 likes!

Before I had children I worked for Easter Seals (Disability Services) as a Marketing Coordinator.  I used to maintain their website and write about their upcoming events, campaigns, ect.  I was pretty comfortable with my writing abilities, but it's a whole different story when you start writing about yourself and your family.  You may find it funny that after my first daughter was born I wouldn't even have professional photos taken of her until she was 18 months old because I didn't want to fill out the form and put my address down.  I was worried that strangers would know where we lived and want to take my baby.  I've come a long way since then and have my paranoia a little more under control (it helps that our professional photographer is a personal friend) but, there are times when I still struggle with how much I am comfortable sharing with people I don't even know.

But, that's sort of the point of blogging, isn't it?  Finding something in common with people?  I mean, I assume that's what this is all about.  Forcing myself to open up and put my thoughts, ideas, struggles as a mother, wife, friend out there for all to read... It has made me realize it's not as scary as I was letting it be.  It's kind of freeing, really to let it all go.  When I set my blog up, I kept thinking, if I can just get 60 posts between now and the end of the year, I'll be really proud of myself.  Well, yesterday I wrote my 60th post!  I am proud of myself and I am setting new goals for 2014!  It's going to be a great year.  A year of writing, learning, spending time with my family and sharing it all with you.  I look forward to this new adventure and can't wait to see where it leads!

Happy New Year!


Thank you for your lovely comments!