Monday, December 16, 2013

I Have a Two Year Old!!

On Saturday my youngest daughter, Ella Rose turned two!  I posted a few pictures of her party a few days ago, but haven't had a chance to post more pictures and recipes until today.  Before I post the recipe for these cute little cupcakes, let me tell you all a bit about my little cupcake! 
Ella Rose was the sweetest baby ever!  I swear I'm not just saying that, she really was the best infant!  This is a picture of her on the day we brought her home from the hospital.
She was such a tiny little thing, weighing only 6lbs, but a healthy, happy baby!
As with all babies, she grew fast!  When Ella was about 7 months old we realized she had a severe allergy to eggs.  After a scary emergency room visit and allergy referrals and testing, we had to cut eggs out of our diet completely.  We learned the hard way that we couldn't even keep eggs in the house.
Before I knew it she was nearly 10 months old!  That's also around the time she started having some issues with her hearing.  She had her first ear infection at 9 months, which was the end of September, last year.  Between September and February of this year she had a total of 8 back to back infections.  Ella had developed a resistance to the antibiotics that they were using to treat her infections.  She stopped sleeping well and was pretty miserable for a while.  In February her doctors decided she needed tubes.  After the tubes were placed, she could hear again, which was fantastic!  She also seemed to be more comfortable laying down and could sleep better at night. 
 By the time she was 14 months old she was no longer just walking, she was running!  The transition between baby and toddler happened over night!  Ella is a mischievous toddler!  She has made "baby proofing" a real adventure around here!   
It is crazy how fast two years can go by!  Ella is in love with Mickey Mouse, so she had a "Mickey" party.  I'm sure you all saw my earlier post with more of the photos from the party.  Anyway, that's just a little about my TWO year old!! I can't believe how fast the time has flown!  I had a really fun time making her "egg free" cupcakes and will post the recipe tonight!  I hope you enjoyed meeting Ella!

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