So, here goes-
Dear Working Mom,
I do not judge you for working and being a mother. I support your choice. Actually, you may not even have a choice, it may just be a necessity. But, I support you. I'm happy for you. But, when you think of me, and what I do, can I just say a few little things?
Please, don't assume that me staying home means that I sit on my sofa all day and watch HGTV and Food Network. I would love to do that, really, but in actuality, I haven't turned on the tv during the day one time this entire school year for myself. The only daytime tv that happens here is Daniel Tiger.
I may not get a paycheck, but my job is still important. In fact, the things I am able to do by not working outside the home actually help your child quite a bit. The choir classes that your kids attends twice a week happen because I'm able to help with the fundraising. The Fall Family Festival, that you all attended in October that was so fun? That happened because several stay at home moms worked their rear ends off to make it happen. The book fair that you shopped at? The field trip that was so fun? The dance a thon? None of that would be possible without people like us.
Remember that day grandma forgot to pick your son up from school? I was there and texted you that he was with me and everything was fine. When you had to go in early and needed some helping getting him to school on time? Yep, I got this, no problem!
In actuality, my day is spent cleaning, prepping food for my little people, doing laundry, volunteering my time at school... Twice a week my daughter has in home therapy for developmental delays. With three kids there is hardly a week that goes by that we don't have a visit to the pediatrician's office.
I'm not asking for a thank you or even any recognition. But please, may I just ask, could you not say "I'd kill myself if I had to be a stay at home mom." or "I could never do that, I'd be so bored."
I assure you, I am in no way bored.
Again, I don't judge you. All I'm asking is that you show me the same kindness.
A Stay At Home Mom

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