If you follow me over on Instagram, you
know I love shopping at thrift stores. Today I thought I would share a little more about why and give you a few tips to make your thrifting a success! So, the why... When Ella was a baby we were broke. Like, literally living paycheck to paycheck, frequently using our overdraft plan, and generally just in a sad state financially. I started shopping for the kids clothes at thrift stores, basically, as a way to save money and still be able to dress my children. We really didn't have a lot of options then, but what happened was I learned I really enjoyed this way of shopping. Flash forward seven years, and I'm still out scouring the racks for a good deal, and I love it!
1. Be smart and make a plan.
What I mean by this is, know what you need. For example, I know we are approaching warmer weather and that my kids will be a size larger than last summer. So, I know I need summer basics. Shorts, capri pants and sun dresses are all easy to find at thrift stores. Know your sizes and what your kids like/need, and you'll be more successful when you go hunting. If you go in without a plan, you are going to be more tempted to buy things that you don't need or won't end up using. For example, I keep a note pad in my purse with a list of what my kids currently need. Lily Claire needs 6 pairs of shorts in a size 10. When I find a pair, I cross off the 6, change it to a 5 and keep looking. When I have all the shorts she needs for a season, I STOP buying shorts! No matter how tempted I am, she doesn't need more and it is a waste of money and drawer space to buy additional shorts.
2. Plan to shop frequently.
I think it's common for parents to do 2-3 large shopping trips a year to stock up on their children's clothes. Think "back to school shopping" and "spring/summer clothes". But, when it comes to thrift shopping, in order to get the best deals, you need to shop frequently. Inventory literally changes daily at thrift stores, so if you aren't going often, you will miss a good find, or may not find anything on the day you do shop. You need to know that not every trip will yield major finds, but if you are consistent, you will end up finding what you need.
3. Buy the next size up.
This is a personal preference, but one that has been very helpful over the years. Buy the next size up! It's always going to be tricky if you go out expecting to find 5 pairs of denim shorts in a size 7 right now. But, if you start looking now for the next size your child will be wearing, you won't feel as much pressure. I have found, as my older children are maturing, I stick to very basic buying when it comes to sizing up. My kids are getting a lot pickier about their style as they get older, so sticking to shopping for denim and basics is really helpful. That way I can sub in trendy tee shirts or shoes as needed.
4. Shop brand name.
Now, this is not something I'm able to necessarily do/afford when shopping retail, but when it comes to thrifting, I really suggest sticking with brand name clothing. I know that for my girls Gap denim lasts and is high quality. Old Navy makes cute Bermuda shorts. Janie and Jack dresses and sweaters are timeless. Find the brands you love and look for them at thrift stores. Today I found a pair of Hudson jeans for Lily Claire that probably won't fit her until next winter. But for $6 you bet I grabbed them and put them in the "next size up" bin I have in the closet.
5. Shop mid-week.
This is a rule I break. But, mostly it's because I shop so often I don't worry about when I go. If you are only shopping once a week or once I month even, I highly suggest aiming for a Tuesday or Wednesday. Why? Because folks tend to clean out their closets and make donations on the weekends. It takes most thrift stores a few days to process donations, price them, and put them out on the floor. This means mid-week is a great time to shop. You will find a lot of new inventory, and hopefully have a more successful trip. If, however, you are like me and shop often, you can kind of adjust this rule. I know that Deseret Industries is good at daily adding lots of inventory to the store so I don't mind shopping there any day during the week.
I could literally go on and on about thrifting, and I really do have some other things I have got to get done today, so, I'm going to leave you with these 5 tips for now and wish you luck with your shopping! Follow me over @lilyseclaires on Instagram to see more of my daily deals and tips and leave a comment if you have any other fun suggestions!