Last Wednesday we adopted a 10 week old Black Lab/Golden Retriever Mix puppy! My husband has been wanting a "big dog" for years now. I was always able to talk him out of it by saying not until Ella is potty trained. Well, she's been out of diapers for a couple of months now so the puppy talk started back up. Originally we planned to adopt an older dog. We actually had one that we were fostering for a while, but that didn't work out. It did, however, last long enough for the kids to completely fall in love with her and for us {the parents} to decide that we really did want to adopt a "big dog". We put in an application with a Golden Retriever rescue and contacted a few friends who are involved with local rescues.

Eventually we found this little lady. She's the perfect mix of our favorite "big dog" breeds. And, boy is she a love. A BIG love! :) The kids wanted to name her River. Since it's a beautiful name and so much better than some other names they've come up with {Fluff, Pen, Christmas, Crabbie...} we agreed right away!
It's been a long time since we've trained a puppy, but we're excited! Our family is now made up of two little girls, a puppy, Paris, our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Old Cat, Anna & Elsa, the kittens, Goldie, the gold fish and Crabbie, the hermit crab.
It's a full house!
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