Let's take a moment to talk about sleep, shall we?? Do you sleep? I don't. I mean, I do, but I don't. You see, I have kids. If you're a mom, you know what I mean. (Maybe some dads know too, maybe...) But let's be honest here, after the newborn phase is over, my husband doesn't get up. I pretty much have to shove him out of the bed to wake him up and by that time, baby is in a full tantrum and it's pretty much pointless to ask him to help because, she wants momma, not daddy, anyway.
My baby is 14 months now. She just transitioned from formula a few weeks ago. From about 6 months to probably 10 months she slept through the night like an angel. I joked that she was my favorite because she was my best sleeper. There may be some truth to that... But, then around 11 months something changed. What? I can only guess. She got a pretty bad virus and it turned out to be RSV. She also started getting teeth, one after the other. She hit a growth spurt. All the things. All at once. And she started waking up. Once, twice, sometimes three times. I tried co-sleeping, but she just tossed and turned and she barely slept, I barely slept. We tried letting her cry it out, but my momma heart just couldn't take it. I'm a wimp like that. I felt like we tried everything.
From day one with her, I kept hearing about the Dock a Tot. I really thought about buying one in the beginning, but Camille had hip dysplasia and I didn't think she would be able to sleep in the abducted position with her harness on comfortably due to the narrowness of the bed. That's what makes baby feel so cozy, but it just wouldn't work on my baby. But, now that she has graduated out of wearing the harness and her hips are developing properly, I started rethinking my position on the Dock a Tot.
At nearly $300 I really hesitated. It's a lot of money. But, on Buy, Sell, Trade sites they are a hot comodity so I thought I'd just resell it if it didn't work for us. I actually didn't have much of a hope that it would, as she was so set in her ways, and I thought waking up several times was probably just a habit more than anything at this point.
Friends, I'm happy to report I was wrong. Dead WRONG. It worked. She slept. I slept. I slept!!!! Now, let's be realistic, I still wake up to check the monitor, use the bathroom, let the cat out. I wake up because I hear 87 noises that might be her. I wake up hot or cold. Seriously, after being a parent for almost 10 years now, I probably will always wake up. But, most nights, it's nothing, and I go back to sleep. Thank the gods!!
I was not paid by Dock a Tot to write this review. I paid out of my own pocket for this item. It was not cheap. It may not work for your baby, But, I'm so happy to say it seems to be working for mine! And, as a mom, anything that might help another mom get some sleep is something worth sharing with you!
So, Dock That Tot!

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