If you asked me what a perfect day would look like to me, I would probably have some thrift store shopping thrown in there. Sure, I LOVE to cook, decorate, craft... But digging through junk and sorting through old plates and silverware is just fun to me! Right before Christmas I got really lucky and found some really neat things so I thought I would post some pictures today!
This sweet little dress is made by I. Magnin, which happens
to be the first department store to open in San Francisco. It
is 100% silk, in nearly perfect condition and cost me a
whooping $2! I can't wait to dress my little nice in it and
play photo shoot!
The little pillow case is hand embroidered and just darling and
only $1.
The stamps ranged in price from 25 cents to $2 and were
perfect for the little scrap booking gift I put together for a
friend of mine.
This sketch of a horse was in a terrible frame. I took it out and plan to re-mat it and have it framed. It cost me $2.
These two dresses are from my favorite children's clothes
designer, Jelly the Pug. Usually, they are pretty pricey, and
I only purchase something for a special occasion or if Zulilly
is having an amazing deal. These two were only $3 & $4
so I was pretty jazzed with this find!
Ironstone... oh how I love Ironstone. The platter above is an older piece. I can tell because of the crazing and the light stains. It also has a small chip, but that doesn't bother me at all. The bowl below
is relatively new, but happens to go with several other pieces I have at home. These dishes were $1 each.
And here's one of my favorite little shopping companion. She
fell in love with those sparkly pink heels and wore them all over
the store!
Well, there you have it folks! My thrifty finds that I am currently bubbling over! Oh, and may have forgotten to mention, these all came from the same store on the same day! Happy thrifting y'all!