Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Finding Inspiration for Home Decor

Have you ever been stuck in a rut with your home decor?  Maybe you still have a plaid couch, hello 1990?!!  Or  a room that you've been meaning to paint for years, but you keep putting it off.  I know it's hard to believe, but I'm guilty of this too.  And there are may reasons for why this is so common.  Time, budget, lack of inspiration, indecisiveness, fear...

But, some of my very favorite home projects were very affordable (hello, one income family of five!) and pretty easy to accomplish myself.  So, here is my suggestion of the day, because, you know, obviously a self proclaimed expert here (insert eye-roll).  Find your inspiration!
kitchen decor, backsplash, DIY

It seems simple, but with so much decor and so many different styles out there, it can be super overwhelming.  So, here's my suggestion.  Pinterest, magazines, bloggers, tv shows... What are you drawn to?  What makes you feel good?  Comfortable, happy?  Is it costal decor, farmhouse style, rustic, modern...  What are you most drawn towards.  Don't think about what's popular or what other people are doing.  What do YOU like?  Start a Pinterest board, or cut out pictures you love and keep them in a folder.  Do this for a few days, weeks, months, then look at what you were drawn to the most.  There's your starting point!

Now, what next?  Pick a room.  And preferably not a huge room, like your kitchen or main living space.  A bedroom, office or bathroom are a great place to start.  People tell me all the time, "I just don't know where to start." or "You are so good at decor, I wish you would do my house."  My biggest suggestion is start small and work towards bigger spaces as you gain confidence.

If you start with a bedroom, look at what you're drawn to in the pictures you've collected.  Is the paint light or dark?  Paint is a perfect start!  Get samples, most hardware stores sell them for $3-5 so grab a few and pain the wall in a few spots and see what you like most.  What bedding do you love?  A duvet, a quilt, solid colors, patterns? 

Now, here's my favorite part.  The shopping!  I know spending money can be intimidating.  My best advice here is set a budget and consider one splurge item.  For example, paint is reasonable, accessories can be collected over time and don't have to cost an arm and a leg, but bedding might be the one place where you want to spend the majority of your budget.

This advice can be applied in pretty much any room makeover.  For example, your living space.  Consider what you want out of this room.  Is a comfy couch your priority, do you love a big TV?  Pick your splurge item and then build around it.  For me, the couch was our splurge.  At about $900 is was the most expensive item in the living room.  That meant I had to make compromises on the other furniture items.  For example, the media cabinet was a $25 GoodWill find that I painted with black chalk paint.  The rug came from Costco.  The chair was a Craigslist find.  The books and accessories were collected over time and mostly came from thrift stores, TJ Maxx, Homegoods... And I didn't buy everything at once.  It takes time to find what you love.  Also, shop your home.  You'd be amazed how moving a picture or plant from one room to another can change the feel of a space.
thrifty finds, home decor

living room, decor, rustic farmhouse

My two cents for the day...

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