Monday, July 7, 2014

Summer Projects

I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July weekend!  Our's was busy, of course!  In the morning I did my usual, and hit up a few thrift stores.  Goodwill had all apparel 50% off so my mission was to find some new jeans in the next size up for my girls. Then we headed over to my parents house, they just got back from a three week trip to Europe, so it was great to visit with them and hear all about their trip! Since it was the 4th, we over ate the world's best ribs and finished the evening off with a very American apple pie and fireworks!

Sunday I did a little more thrifting and caught up on a few things around the house.  Then, my family and I headed down to the local animal shelter to check out their kittens.  We'd been thinking about adding a kitty to our family for a while and decided we'd check them out.  I had in my mind that I was looking for a little orange fluffy male kitten.  My 6 year old daughter insisted she wanted a white kitten.  When we got to the shelter there were no orange kittens, but there were a pile of little white fluffy kittens.  Choosing one was really difficult, so we ended up picking two!  Can I just say that it doesn't get much better than snuggling with a little kitten!  Then, yesterday I celebrated my 34th birthday with my family and a good friend.  All in all it was a fantastic weekend!

Now that it's Monday morning, I'm excited to start the week off with plans of some new projects.  One of the awesome deals I scored over the weekend was two of these wicker chairs with a free sign just down the street from my house.  The paint is pretty chippy, but they are structurally in great condition.  They were covered in cobwebs, but that didn't stop my from loading them into the back of my SUV and bringing them home with me.  I cleaned them up a bit and plan to pick up a few cans of white spray paint this week to give them a fresh look.  Then a couple of new cushions and I've got some great new chairs for my back patio!

Another project I'm working on is re-doing the colors in my office.  I need to hang a new curtain rod, put up new drapes, recover a chair cushion, look for a new lamp and make a bulletin board.

Anyhow, that's what I've got happening this week!  Hope you all have a fantastic Monday!

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