Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Storing Thrifty Finds

I try to be a very organized person, but with two kids, a dog and my husband around that is not always easy.  When I started getting serious about buying the majority of my daughter's clothes at thrift stores I knew I needed to figure out a system for organizing and storing the clothes that didn't fit yet.  As many of you with young children know, they grow fast!  Especially during the first two years.  I wanted to organize their clothes in a way that they would be easily accessible, so here's what I came up with:
I have two tote bins for each of my girls.  One is for the next size up that they will be wearing in the near future and the other tote is for anything bigger than that.  For example in my 22 month old's closet I have one bin that is filled with 24 month & 2T clothes.  The other bin is 3T and up.  As she grows I swap out and reorganize the bins.  In the next month or so I expect to be cleaning her dresser out and replacing the 18 month clothes currently in there for the 24 month and 2T sizes that she'll be wearing for the next year.  The clothes that no longer fit I pass on to friends with little ones or donate.  I now have an empty tote in her closet.  I then go through all the clothes that are in my "bigger than 2T" bin, sort and start a 3T bin.  The other bin now becomes my "bigger than 3T bin."  Does that make sense?  Here's what it looks like in my youngest daughter's closet.
The stool makes it easy for me to add clothes to the bins!
I hope this helps you organize your finds!  Happy Thrifting!

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