Friday, October 25, 2013

My Crazy Day

I had the craziest day yesterday.  You know, the kind you don't want to admit to having, but none the less, they happen.  We needed groceries so I had to run to Trader Joes.  Normally I'm not big on taking my 22 month old daughter shopping with me, but there are times when the lack of food in your house makes grocery shopping impossible to avoid, even when it means taking the small monsters with you.  So off we went, my wee one, my neighbor's daughter and myself.  The shopping itself was uneventful and other than the kids running into each other and me with their small carts, I made it through the store with only a mild injury to my arm.  Success, I thought, but no... When I unlocked my car and opened the door, the alarm started going off.  VERY loudly.  I quickly rummaged through my purse finally finding my keys amid the dried fruit snacks, used wipes and receipts that I seem to collect, but never look at.  I began frantically pushing buttons trying to shut the darn thing of, but no luck.  Beep, beep, beep, still pushing buttons, I decided to try to start it to see if that would work, but no luck.  The kids are covering their ears.  Other shoppers are giving me dirty looks. (Really, like I am enjoying this??)  My food is slowly defrosting.  Finally it goes off on its own.  I open the other door thinking, okay I can get my daughter in her car seat, only to have the beeping start up again as soon as I open the door.  Luckily, my friend met me at the store to pick up her daughter and suggests I run to the drug store around the corner to see if I can get a replacement battery.  I replaced the battery on my remote only a few months ago, but at this point I'm desperate so I unscrew the screw on the back of the remote with a hair clip that I found in my messy hand bag and pry the old battery out and run to the other side of the parking lot to look for a battery at the drug store.  Out of breath I run inside and ask "Do you have this size battery?"  No luck, so, I run to the other side of the parking lot to the Save Mart and search through their wall of batteries (the whole time my alarm is going off) and no, Save Mart doesn't carry them either.  What the heck?  I have no idea what to do and after a brief and unhelpful conversation with my husband I call my dad who says he can come and try to unplug (that's my technical word for it) the battery to the car, maybe that will reset it.  I'm frustratedly still pushing the buttons on the remote and all of a sudden it makes the low beep beep sound it usually makes when it disarms and the alarm stops.   Could it be, is it really off? ( I still hear the beeping in my head.)  Yes, just a freak malfunction.  I was able to get the groceries home before the milk went bad and still made it to the school in time to pick up my 5 year old daughter from kindergarten.  But, man, what a morning!

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