I used to have this idea in my head about how my life would be as a stay at home mom. I thought I would have the laundry done, the dishes put away, floors vacuumed and mopped. You know, the typical June Cleaver type of life. Beautifully decorated home, well behaved children, stylish mom... Well I don't know what I was smoking, because here is the truth:
It's 9:45am. I managed to get my six year old daughter to school on time, even though my two year old threw a fit about chips and wouldn't get in her stroller without two yogurt squeezes clutched in her hands.
Ella, my two year old, woke up with a snotty nose this morning. She has wiped it on my shirt more times than I can count. Today she is particularly cranky because she doesn't feel well. She cried and begged for me to make her macaroni and cheese. I gave in. While it was heating up, she decided to have some cheddar bunnies. I caught her cutting the bunnies in half with kid scissors.
My sink is full of dishes. I just realized I forgot to drink a cup of coffee. That's how busy I am.
I wear yoga clothes most of the time. They hide the snot better than real clothes. I put make up on one day last week. I barely recognized myself.
I got out my fall decorations last week. They look so beautiful. I think. I can't exactly see them right now because there are about three loads of laundry on my dining room table covering them up.
I poured myself a cup of coffee. I still haven't drank it. I folded the laundry. My two year old unfolded it while I was on the phone. I put the dishes in the dish washer away, but the ones in the sink, from last night's dinner have not been loaded into the dish washer as of yet.
I cleaned the toilet, but I didn't really have a choice after my two year old painted it with water color paint. {I thought she was washing her hands.}
Somehow it's almost time to walk over to the school and pick up Lily Claire. My two year old just fell asleep sitting up on the couch playing on the iPad. I now have to wake her up so we can go get sister. She is CRANKY.
Note home from school says lice. Check kids. I can't stop scratching my head.
Snacks have been doled out. Legos are now being played. Two year old is still CRANKY!
I can't stop scratching my head. Finally I call my friend and ask her to come over and check me for lice. She's well aware that I have issues with germs, bugs, ect. She shows up right away and combs through my hair. Looks like I'm in the clear.
Friend leaves, and I treat myself for lice. Just in case...
It's 4pm. I manage to load the dish washer.
Kids are watching Wild Krats upstairs in my bed.
My husband comes home. It's time to do homework with Lily Claire and cook dinner.
My husband takes the kids outside in the back yard so they'll leave me alone for a minute. He falls asleep in the lawn chair. I feed the kids, then wake him up.
It's time to put the girls to bed. I step on lego parts that didn't get picked up.
I lay down next to youngest daughter to get her to fall asleep.
I fall asleep in a toddler bed.
That's the real truth about my day. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, but it's slightly different than what I had in mind... :)